20 July 2008

Hungry / Gana

Yesterday we went to a barbecue at a friend's house, 1 hour from our house. The trip was so nice and Teo enjoyed going in his seat in the back :) In the afternoon on the way home Teo felt a bit hungry and we had to make a stop...
Ahir vam anar a una barbacoa a casa una amiga, a una hora de casa. El viatge va anar molt bé i en Teo estava encantat d'anar al darrera a la seva cadireta :)
A la tarda, de camí a casa a en Teo li va venir la gana i vam haver de parar...

17 July 2008

spice rack

yesterday I picked up the spice rack Corey sended to me, the fridge I have is from Corey too...
ahir vaig recollir l'spice rack que el Corey em va enviar, la nevera també és de Corey...

16 July 2008

New Hazet Toolbox / Nova caixa d'eines Hazet

Yesterday I recieved a good new, the Hazet cart I got from ebay Germany arrived home. Amazing, nearly new and for sure never used... the pics talk for itself.
Ahir vaig rebre una bona noticia, el carretó Hazet que havia comprat a ebay Alemanya havia arribat a casa. Espectacular, gairabé nou i mai fet servir... les fotos parles soles.

Model 166N, 80's-90's era, folding pillars.
Model 166N, època 80s-90s amb pilars plegables.

En Teo està content :)

08 July 2008

Our son Teo was born on Saturday, 28th of June. That morning we went to the hospital with the bus. The day we came back home the battery was dead and we couldn't went with the westy... Really a shame.
El dissabte 28 de juny va néixer en Teo, el nostre fill. Aquell matí vam pujar a l'hospital amb la furgo. El dia de tornar a casa, però, la bateria s'havia acabat i no vam poder fer-ho amb la furgo... quina pena.

Yesterday, with one week and two days, Teo went for the first time in the bus!! I think he is a lucky boy ;)
Ahir, amb només una setmana i dos dies, en Teo va anar amb la furgo!! Crec que és un noi amb sort ;)