16 June 2008

Erwin's engine / El motor de l'Erwin

Last weekend I went to Girona to pick up his old engine. Erwin lends this engine to me while I'm rebuilding the broken one...
El finde passat vaig anar a Girona a buscar aquest motor vell. L'Erwin m'el deixa mentre refaig el trencat...

This is Erwin's Deluxe... really nice! / Aquesta és la Deluxe de l'Erwin... preciosa!
The engine in the car / El motor en el cotxe

A lot of work to do... thanks Erwin! / Molta feina per fer... merci Erwin!

09 June 2008

engie removal / treient el motor

Diagnosis: bearing rod borken. Wha means a rebuilt engine... Look at the oil drained, thats not gold! Time to remove the engine...
Diagnostic: coixinet de biela trencat. Això vol dir refer el motor... Mireu l'oli, això no és or! Hora de treu-re el motor...

08 June 2008


A sad story... yestarday ridig the westy an ugly sound started at the rear... I could bring the bus without having to call the tow truck. But the engine is really sick... almost dead.
Una història trista... ahir mentre conduia la furgo un soroll molt raro va començar a sonar al darrera... Vaig poder arribar a casa amb la furgo però realment està malament... casi mort.

01 June 2008

VW Bus t-shirt / Samarreta VW Bus

Here are again the Volkswagen Bus t-shirts.

Colour: Kaki
Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Price: 12€ + shipping
De nou les samarretes de la Volkswagen Bus.

Color: Kaki
Talles: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Preu: 12€ + despeses d'enviament
