08 December 2007

Westfalia Register Post #25

Westfalia Register is a german site coordinated by Rolf de Kam, Michael Steinke and Manfred Schapmann, the site is the european register for all kind of Westfalias, VWs or not. So VW buses, trailers, caravans and all the stuff that made westfalia is welcomed in this site.

More than a site that only register Westies this is a community of people that love the same thing: his Westfala.

Every year they organize a meeting, usually in Germany. You only have to take a look at the site to realize of what we are talking about, a big bunch of friends spending a weekend together and sharing his beloved vehicles and caravans.

Next year the guys from Westfalia Register want to organize a big euro-event to joint the maximum amount of westfalias together, they are planning to do it in The Netherlands between 30th May and 1st June. If you are a westy owner you can't lose it!

They also have a newsletter, now they just launched the #25 with lots of nice information. Thanks Michael for that words of SO-42.com on your Newsletter!


Westfalia Register és una pàgina web alemana coordinada per Rolf de Kam, Michael Steinke and Manfred Schapmann. Es tracta del registre europeu per a westfalias, siguin VW o no. Així que campers VW, remolcs, cravanes i tot tipus de coses que fabricava Westfalia hi són benvingudes.

Més que una pàgina on registres westfalias és una comunitat de gent que li agrada el mateix: la seva Westfalia.

Cada any fan una trobada, l'any que vé es preveu fer-la a Holanda entre el 30 de maig i l'1 de Juny.

També tenen un butlletí i acaben de teure el número 25 amb molta informació. Gràcies Michael per aquestes paraules sobre SO-42.com en el vostre Butlletí!


Blogger VWspijlbus said...

Are you comming over for the Westy Weekend?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all
My name is Tom,

I'm excited to be part of this large and growing forum of great people and thankyou all for making me feel welcome. I just joined today.

My special interests or skills are:
- Web design
- Internet business

I am happy to help others that need it and offer advice where possible :)

Take care!


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