28 October 2007

Heat! / Calor!

The diagram above shows how an aircooled heating system works. From right to left: Fresh air is ducted from engine fan through heat exchangers. This air surrounds the exhaust tubes, which are very very hot. The fresh air becomes warm and then hot as this air advances to the front of the bus. Then hot air travels across a duct pipe till the front cab, the it get off the air vents.
The system is operated by two levers which opens and closes a flaps in the heat exchangers. The levers are operated from the cab by a knob.

If there is a crack in the exhaust tube a smoke leaking will be there and carried with the hot air inside the front cab. Inhaling smoke can be really dangerous and can cause dead, so I't very very important to overhaul and replace if necessary the exhaust and heating system.
L'esquema de dalt mostra el funcionament de la calefacció en un aircooled. De dreta a esquerra: L'aire fresc és conduit des del ventilador cap a l'escapament, a través de les caixes calefactores (uns intercanviadors de calor). L'aire fresc envolta l'ecapament en les caixes calefactores i es va escalfant. Un cop calent és conduït fins la cabina.

Si hi hagués alguna fisura en l'escapament aquest fum aniria a para dins la cabina, amb les terribles conseqüències que això comportaria...

This is what heat exchangers looked like. Note disconnected hose... a clue for suspecting someone smelt smoke at some point...
Aquesta és la pinta que tenien els escalfadors, noteu el conducte desconnectat... és una pista de que algú ha olorar fum dins la cabina en algun moment.

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I did not check the inside of the exchanger... but the outside skin was in a really bad shape, full of holes.

No vaig comprovar l'interior dels escalfadors, però l'esterior estava plè de forats.


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